TON Provider

The Tomo Telegram SDK provides a TON Provider for querying account data and sending transactions.

Connect with the Wallet

Before using the provider, the user needs to log in to the wallet through the modal by following the method:

// connect wallet
await ton?.connectWallet();

We also support connecting through TON proof:

// the tonProof must be a hex string
const res = await tomo_ton.connect({
  tonProof: Buffer.from('your challenge', 'utf8').toString('hex'),

//At the dapp backend, check the tonProof res
const { tonProof } = res;

We also support connecting to the TON testnet as follows:

// You must use the Tomo TON provider to connect the testnet.
// Other wallet providers through TON Connect do not work.
const res = await tomo_ton.connect({
  network: 'testnet'

Query Methods

TON provider supports two query methods:

  • getAddress

  • getBalance

const address = ton.getAddress();

const balance = await ton.getBalance(address);

Sending Methods

In TON providers, we provide one send methods:

  • sendTransaction

This method allows signing and sending transactions in one call. The input for this method is TonTxParams, defined as the following:

export interface TonTxParams {
  valid_until?: number | bigint;
  validUntil?: number | bigint;
  network?: string;
  from?: string;
  messages: {
    address: string;
    amount: string; // nanoTon,  e.g. toNano('0.1').toString()
    stateInit?: string;
    payload?: string;
// !amount must be nanoTon, 

You can construct your payload as a BOC(Bag of Cells) in the same way as the standard one. Then, convert it into a base64 string or hexadecimal string and pass it to sendTx method.

tomo_ton.sendTransaction(txParam: TonTxParams)

Payload for TON transaction

You can create a general payload using @ton/core

import { beginCell, toNano, Address } from '@ton/core';
const createPayloadByTonCoreCell = async (tokenAmount, recipientAddress: string) => {
    const destinationAddress = Address.parse(recipientAddress);

    const body = beginCell()
    .storeUint(0xf8a7ea5, 32) // Operation code for transferring
    .storeUint(0, 64) // / Query ID (can be any unique identifier)
    .storeCoins(tokenAmount) // Amount of tokens to send
    .storeAddress(destinationAddress) // destination
    .storeAddress(destinationAddress) // response_destination
    .storeBit(false) // null custom_payload
    .storeBit(false) // false for empty forward payload

    return body.toBoc().toString('base64');

Or tonweb:

import TonWeb from 'tonweb';
const createPayloadByTonWebCell = async (tokenAmount, recipientAddress) => {
    const tonWeb = new TonWeb(new TonWeb.HttpProvider());
    const cell = new tonWeb.boc.Cell();

    cell.bits.writeUint(0xf8a7ea5, 32); // Operation code for transferring tokens
    cell.bits.writeUint(0, 64); // Query ID (can be any unique identifier)
    cell.bits.writeCoins(tokenAmount); // Amount of tokens to send
    cell.bits.writeAddress(new TonWeb.utils.Address(recipientAddress)); // recipient address
    cell.bits.writeAddress(new TonWeb.utils.Address(recipientAddress)); // response address
    cell.bits.writeBit(false);  // null custom_payload
    cell.bits.writeCoins(TonWeb.utils.toNano('0.0001')); // forwardAmount
    cell.bits.writeBit(false); // empty forward payload

    return Buffer.from(await cell.toBoc()).toString('base64');

Payload for Jetton transaction

Below is an example use JettonWallet under tonweb for transferring jetton:

const createJettonTransferPayload = async (
  ) => {
    const tonWeb = new TonWeb(new TonWeb.HttpProvider());
    const jettonWallet = new TonWeb.token.jetton.JettonWallet(
    const transferBody = await jettonWallet.createTransferBody({
        queryId: 0,
        jettonAmount: tokenAmount,
        toAddress: new TonWeb.utils.Address(recipientAddress),
        forwardAmount: TonWeb.utils.toNano('0.0001'),
        responseAddress: new TonWeb.utils.Address(recipientAddress),
    const uint8 = await transferBody.toBoc();
    return Buffer.from(uint8).toString('base64');

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