Tron Provider
After setting up your wallet, you can have access to the Tron provider:
// react
const { providers } = useTomo()
const { tronProvider } = providers;
// pure js
const tronProvider = window.tomo_tron
Get Tron Address
the Tron address from the wallet state or provider. In React framework:
// get address from wallet state
const { walletState } = useTomo()
const tronAddress = walletState.tronAddress
// or get address from provider
const { providers } = useTomo()
const tronAddress = await providers.tronProvider.getAddress()
Or Pure JS:
/** pure js */
import { getWalletState } from '@tomo-inc/tomo-web-sdk';
// get from wallet state
const walletState = getWalletState()
const tronAddress = walletState.tronAddress
// or get from provider
const tronAddress = await window.tomo_tron.getAddress()
Provider Functions
Signing a Message
It uses the Tron provider to sign a plain text offchain message, which returns the signature of the given message.
// interface
signMessage(message: string, privateKey?: string): Promise<string>;
// Social Wallet does not support signing messages currently, will support soon.
const signedMessage = await tronProvider.signMessage('hello world')
Sign Transaction
To sign a transaction, you need first initiate a client withtronweb
for connecting to the network.
let tronWeb: TronWebType | null = null
export async function getTronWeb() {
if (tronWeb) return tronWeb
const {
default: { TronWeb }
} = await import('tronweb')
tronWeb = new TronWeb({
return tronWeb as TronWebType
Then, create the transaction and sign with our tronProvider
. Eventually, you need to send the transaction again through the tronWeb
// interface
import { SignedTransaction, Transaction } from 'tronweb/lib/esm/types'
signTransaction(transaction: Transaction): Promise<SignedTransaction>;
// example 1: send TRX
const unSignedTransaction = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(to, amount, from);
const signedTransaction = await tronProvider.signTransaction(unSignedTransaction)
await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction);
// example 2: call smart contract
const transactionWrapper = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.triggerSmartContract(contractAddress, functionSelector, triggerSmartContractOptions, contractFunctionParameter, issuerAddress)
const signedTransaction = await tronProvider.signTransaction(transactionWrapper.transaction)
await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction);
import { parseUnits } from 'viem'
import type { TronWeb as TronWebType } from 'tronweb' // "^6.0.0"
import { TomoContextProvider, useTomo } from '@tomo-inc/tomo-web-sdk'
const CLIENT_ID = 'Your client id'
enum Theme {
Light = 'light',
Dark = 'dark'
export default function TronDemo() {
return (
<App />
export function App() {
const { providers, walletState, openConnectModal } = useTomo()
const { tronProvider } = providers
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '10px' }}>
onClick={() => {
onClick={async () => {
if (!tronProvider) throw new Error('tronProvider not found')
const amount = '0.000001'
const to = 'xxx'
const from = walletState.tronAddress
const decimals = 6
const amountInSunBigInt = parseUnits(amount.toString(), decimals)
const tronWeb = await getTronWeb()
const unSignedTransaction = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(
const signedTransaction =
await tronProvider.signTransaction(unSignedTransaction)
console.log('signTx res:', signedTransaction)
const res = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction)
console.log('sendTx res:', res)
sign transaction
onClick={async () => {
if (!tronProvider) throw new Error('tronProvider not found')
const decimals = 6
const amount = '0.000001'
const to = 'xxx'
const from = walletState.tronAddress
const usdtContractAddr = 'TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t'
const functionSelector = 'transfer(address,uint256)'
const amountInSunBigInt = parseUnits(amount.toString(), decimals)
const parameters = [
{ type: 'address', value: to },
{ type: 'uint256', value: amountInSunBigInt }
const triggerSmartContractOptions = {}
const tronWeb = await getTronWeb()
const transactionWrapper =
await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.triggerSmartContract(
const transaction = transactionWrapper.transaction
const signedTransaction =
await tronProvider.signTransaction(transaction)
console.log('signTx res:', signedTransaction)
const res = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction)
console.log('sendTx res:', res)
sign token transaction
let tronWeb: TronWebType | null = null
export async function getTronWeb() {
if (tronWeb) return tronWeb
const {
default: { TronWeb }
} = await import('tronweb')
tronWeb = new TronWeb({
return tronWeb as TronWebType
Pure JavaScript
import { parseUnits } from 'viem'
import type { TronWeb as TronWebType } from 'tronweb' // "^6.0.0"
import { initTomoModal } from '@tomo-inc/tomo-web-sdk'
const CLIENT_ID = 'Your client id'
enum Theme {
Light = 'light',
Dark = 'dark'
theme: Theme.Light,
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
chainTypes: ['tron']
export default function TronDemo() {
return (
<div style={{ display: 'flex', gap: '10px' }}>
onClick={() => {
onClick={async () => {
const tronProvider = window.tomo_tron
if (!tronProvider) throw new Error('tronProvider not found')
const amount = '0.000001'
const to = 'xxx'
const from = await tronProvider.getAddress()
const decimals = 6
const amountInSunBigInt = parseUnits(amount.toString(), decimals)
const tronWeb = await getTronWeb()
const unSignedTransaction = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(
const signedTransaction =
await tronProvider.signTransaction(unSignedTransaction)
console.log('signTx res:', signedTransaction)
const res = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction)
console.log('sendTx res:', res)
sign transaction
onClick={async () => {
const tronProvider = window.tomo_tron
if (!tronProvider) throw new Error('tronProvider not found')
const decimals = 6
const amount = '0.000001'
const to = 'xxx'
const from = await tronProvider.getAddress()
const usdtContractAddr = 'TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t'
const functionSelector = 'transfer(address,uint256)'
const amountInSunBigInt = parseUnits(amount.toString(), decimals)
const parameters = [
{ type: 'address', value: to },
{ type: 'uint256', value: amountInSunBigInt }
const triggerSmartContractOptions = {}
const tronWeb = await getTronWeb()
const transactionWrapper =
await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.triggerSmartContract(
const transaction = transactionWrapper.transaction
const signedTransaction =
await tronProvider.signTransaction(transaction)
console.log('signTx res:', signedTransaction)
const res = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction)
console.log('sendTx res:', res)
sign token transaction
let tronWeb: TronWebType | null = null
export async function getTronWeb() {
if (tronWeb) return tronWeb
const {
default: { TronWeb }
} = await import('tronweb')
tronWeb = new TronWeb({
return tronWeb as TronWebType
Last updated