Tomo Keys

Evolving from Likes to Social Capital

Tomo Builds a Transparent Market for Social Capital:

  • Keys allow you to fairly price and monetize your attention and network.

  • Keys are a solution against spam and ingenuine requests.

  • Keys remove a need for middlemen to facilitate new connections.

  • Keys enable users to engage in transparent and financially rewarding interactions.

In a digital age, your social capital is as valuable as your financial assets.

What are Keys?

Keys provide exclusive access to creators' content, direct messages, and group chat with key holders.

Users can buy (sell) keys to gain (give up) exclusive access.

Royalty Fees

  • Every buy/sell transaction includes a 10% royalty fee.

  • Of this, a 5% fee goes to the platform.

  • The remaining 5% goes directly to the creator’s balance.

What are Votes?

Even if a creator hasn't yet joined Tomo, users can purchase the creator's votes. These Votes are then converted into keys when the creator registers on the platform.

Royalty Fees

  • Every buy/sell transaction includes a 10% royalty fee.

  • Of this, a 5% fee goes to the platform.

  • The remaining 5% is reserved for the creator, who can claim it upon joining.

  • If the creator did not join within 6 months after the first purchase, the platform's 5% fees are redistributed to the voters. The 5% reserved for the creator remains set aside indefinitely until they join and claim it.

Last updated