Cosmos Provider
Using Cosmos wallet provider
Cosmos wallet provider api is as below:
import { TomoCosmosInjected, WalletProvider } from from '@tomo-inc/tomo-wallet-provider';
import { AminoSignResponse, BroadcastMode, KeplrSignOptions, StdSignature, StdSignDoc } from '@keplr-wallet/types';
import { OfflineAminoSigner, OfflineDirectSigner } from '@keplr-wallet/types/src/cosmjs';
import { SigningStargateClient } from '@cosmjs/stargate';
export declare class CosmosProvider extends WalletProvider {
provider: TomoCosmosInjected;
offlineSigner?: OfflineAminoSigner & OfflineDirectSigner;
clientPromise?: Promise<SigningStargateClient>;
constructor(chains: any[], provider: TomoCosmosInjected);
connectWallet(): Promise<this>;
* get @cosmjs/stargate SigningStargateClient
getSigningStargateClient(): Promise<SigningStargateClient>;
getBalance(searchDenom: string): Promise<bigint>;
* Gets the bech32Address of the connected wallet.
* @returns A promise that resolves to the address of the connected wallet.
getAddress(): Promise<string>;
* get the chainId of the connected wallet
getNetwork(): Promise<string>;
signAmino(signerAddress: string, signDoc: StdSignDoc, signOptions?: KeplrSignOptions): Promise<AminoSignResponse>;
signArbitrary(signer: string, data: string | Uint8Array): Promise<StdSignature>;
sendTx(tx: Uint8Array, mode: BroadcastMode): Promise<Uint8Array>;
getOfflineSigner(): Promise<OfflineAminoSigner & OfflineDirectSigner>;
getPublicKeyHex(): Promise<string>
And after connected to wallet, cosmos wallet provider could be used as follows:
chainTypes={['cosmos', 'bitcoin']} // can be removed, we support both by default
id: 2,
name: 'Cosmos',
type: 'cosmos',
network: 'cosmoshub-4'
providerOptions={{ // optional, support customized window object context
getWindow() {
return window.parent
<ChildComponent />
// after connected, providers could be used
export function ChildComponent(props: ChildProps) {
const providers = useTomoProviders()
const signCosmos = async (address: string, amount: string) => {
const curChainId = providers.cosmosProvider.getChainId()
const key = await providers.cosmosProvider.provider.getKey(curChainId)
// construct your signDoc
const { signed, signature } = await providers.cosmosProvider.signAmino(
return (
<TomoSocial />
Using customized SigningStargateClient
const providers = useTomoProviders()
await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(
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