Add Custom Wallets

It is easy to add all kinds of wallets to Tomo Connect SDK. Here is an example of how to add a Bitcoin wallet to Tomo Connect SDK.

Fork Tomo Wallet Provider Repo

Please fork the main branch of into your own repo. After you finish the following integration steps, submit a PR to the tomo-wallet-provider repo.

Add Your Wallet Icon and Wallet Info

Put your wallet icon into the icons folder, and create your wallet info into the list.ts, such as:

    name: "Tomo",
    icon: tomoIcon,
    wallet: TomoWallet,
    provider: tomoProvider,
    linkToDocs: "",

Create Your Wallet Provider

Put your wallet provider into the providers folder, and it should extend the WalletProvider defined in the library.


import { getNetworkConfig } from "@/config/network.config";
import {
} from "@/utils/mempool_api";

import {
} from "../wallet_provider";

export const tomoProvider = "tomo_btc";

// Internal network names
  [Network.MAINNET]: "mainnet",
  [Network.TESTNET]: "testnet",
  [Network.SIGNET]: "signet",

export class TomoWallet extends WalletProvider {
  private tomoWalletInfo: WalletInfo | undefined;
  private bitcoinNetworkProvider: any;
  private networkEnv: Network | undefined;

  constructor() {

    // check whether there is Tomo extension
    if (!window[tomoProvider]) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet extension not found");
    this.networkEnv = getNetworkConfig().network;

    this.bitcoinNetworkProvider = window[tomoProvider];

  connectWallet = async (): Promise<this> => {
    const workingVersion = "1.2.0";
    if (!this.bitcoinNetworkProvider) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet extension not found");
    if (!this.networkEnv) {
      throw new Error("Network not found");
    if (this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.getVersion) {
      const version = await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.getVersion();
      if (version < workingVersion) {
        throw new Error("Please update Tomo Wallet to the latest version");

    await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.switchNetwork(

    let addresses = null;
    let pubKey = null;
    try {
      // this will not throw an error even if user has no BTC Signet enabled
      addresses = await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.connectWallet();
      pubKey = await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.getPublicKey();
      if (!addresses || addresses.length === 0 || !pubKey) {
        throw new Error("BTC is not enabled in Tomo Wallet");
    } catch (error) {
      throw new Error("BTC is not enabled in Tomo Wallet");

    this.tomoWalletInfo = {
      publicKeyHex: pubKey,
      address: addresses[0],
    return this;

  getWalletProviderName = async (): Promise<string> => {
    return "Tomo";

  getAddress = async (): Promise<string> => {
    if (!this.tomoWalletInfo) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet not connected");
    return this.tomoWalletInfo.address;

  getPublicKeyHex = async (): Promise<string> => {
    if (!this.tomoWalletInfo) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet not connected");
    return this.tomoWalletInfo.publicKeyHex;

  signPsbt = async (psbtHex: string): Promise<string> => {
    if (!this.tomoWalletInfo) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet not connected");
    // sign the PSBT
    return await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.signPsbt(psbtHex);

  signPsbts = async (psbtsHexes: string[]): Promise<string[]> => {
    if (!this.tomoWalletInfo) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet not connected");

    // sign the PSBTs
    return await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.signPsbts(psbtsHexes);

  signMessageBIP322 = async (message: string): Promise<string> => {
    if (!this.tomoWalletInfo) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet not connected");
    return await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.signMessage(

  getNetwork = async (): Promise<Network> => {
    const internalNetwork = await this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.getNetwork();

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(INTERNAL_NETWORK_NAMES)) {
      if (value === internalNetwork) {
        return key as Network;

    throw new Error("Unsupported network");

  on = (eventName: string, callBack: () => void) => {
    if (!this.tomoWalletInfo) {
      throw new Error("Tomo Wallet not connected");
    // subscribe to account change event
    if (eventName === "accountChanged") {
      return this.bitcoinNetworkProvider.on(eventName, callBack);

  // Mempool calls

  getBalance = async (): Promise<number> => {
    return await getAddressBalance(await this.getAddress());

  getNetworkFees = async (): Promise<Fees> => {
    return await getNetworkFees();

  pushTx = async (txHex: string): Promise<string> => {
    return await pushTx(txHex);

  getUtxos = async (address: string, amount?: number): Promise<UTXO[]> => {
    // mempool call
    return await getFundingUTXOs(address, amount);

  getBTCTipHeight = async (): Promise<number> => {
    return await getTipHeight();

Last updated