How to: Deposit / Withdraw

How to Deposit

Deposit ETH via Direct Transfer

  1. Open your Tomo Profile and press Deposit ETH.

  2. Choose the Deposit ETH option from the opened menu.

  3. Pick a network from which ETH will be sent.

  4. Tap on the Deposit Address to copy it, this is the address you will send your ETH to.

  5. Proceed with sending ETH to the copied address from your exchange account or wallet.

Deposit ETH via EAO Wallet

  1. Open your Tomo Profile and press Deposit ETH.

  2. Choose the Deposit by Wallet option from the opened menu.

  3. Press Connect Wallet and choose the preferred Wallet (has to be installed on your phone).

  4. Allow your Wallet to connect to Tomo (we use MetaMask as an example)

  5. Choose the amount of ETH you would like to deposit, and press Continue to finalize the deposit.

Deposit with Local Currency (Visa, Mastercard, or ApplePay)

  1. Open your Tomo Profile and press Deposit ETH.

  2. Choose the Pay with Visa, Mastercard, or ApplePay option from the opened menu.

  3. Choose your local currency and the amount of ETH you want to purchase, and press Proceed.

  4. Please follow the detailed instructions on your screen to complete the purchase of ETH.

How to Withdraw

Withdrawing ETH from Tomo

  1. Open your Tomo Profile and press on My Wallet address to copy it.

  2. Press the Withdraw ETH.

  3. Choose the network from which you want to withdraw your Tomo balance.

  4. Choose the receiving network to which you want to send your ETH.

  5. Enter the receiving address (make sure the receiving network is correct).

  6. Enter the ETH amount you are willing to transfer and press Continue.

  7. Wait till you see a green Transaction Sent message.

Transferring funds between Linea and Base

  1. Open your Tomo Profile and press on ETH logo under the Assets menu.

  2. Copy the wallet's address by pressing on it.

  3. Press the Withdraw from the wallet from which you want to transfer.

  4. Paste your wallet's address in the corresponding field.

  5. Choose the network to which you're transferring.

  6. Choose the ETH amount you are willing to transfer and press Continue.

  7. Wait till you see a green Transaction Sent message.

Last updated