Tomo Social Login


Tomo Wallet is a revolutionary social wallet that seamlessly integrates advanced security with the convenience of social logins. Leveraging Cubist's Multi-Party Computation (MPC) technology, Tomo Wallet ensures your private keys are stored securely, providing top-notch protection for your digital assets.

Social Login Convenience

With Tomo Wallet, managing your assets has never been easier. Enjoy the simplicity and speed of social logins, such as Gmail, allowing you to access your wallet anytime, anywhere without the hassle of remembering complex passwords or recovery phrases. This feature not only enhances user experience but also makes onboarding new users effortless.

Advanced Security with MPC Technology

Security is at the core of Tomo Wallet. By utilizing Cubist's Multi-Party Computation (MPC), we distribute the computation of private keys across multiple parties, ensuring that no single entity ever has full access to your keys. This method significantly reduces the risk of key compromise, providing you with peace of mind that your assets are safeguarded by state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques.

Social Login SDK

The Tomo Social Login SDK is designed to provide secure, non-custodial mnemonic management via social media login methods, specifically through Google OAuth2, Twitter OAuth2, email login, etc. This SDK integrates Tomo's mnemonic MPC (multi-party computation) services to enhance security and user convenience:

  • Google OAuth2: Users can log in with their Google account using a simple one-line code integration.

  • Twitter OAuth2: Users can log in with their Twitter account easily.

  • Email Login: Users can log in via email by sending and verifying a code.

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